Our Fundraising Strategy: £30,000 a year by 2025
The Nonesuch Rowing Foundation (NRF) is the independent charity that directly supports UBBC by issuing grants to the club and its members.
our goal
In the past, UBBC’s supporters raised funds through discrete fundraising campaigns which sought large donations from single or small groups of individuals. These donations made huge impact on student rowers in Bristol, enabling the purchase of boats and equipment which the club would never otherwise have had.
More recently we have directed our focus onto encouraging regular (monthly) donations from a larger group of supporters - our target is for a group of 200 individual regular donors. We think this strategy allows a larger part of our community to contribute, is more sustainable and easier to forecast, takes the onus and pressure away from the generosity of a small group of individuals, and allows us to build up a bank of capital so we can be more responsive to short-term equipment needs. Whilst there will always be a place for larger donations from generous individuals (and they will always be welcome to donate!), our aim is for the vast majority of donation income to come from regular donations.
With huge thanks to all of our generous supporters, at end of 2023 the Nonesuch Rowing Foundation was raising approximately £14,000 per year from regular donations collected by Direct Debit. Our aim is to raise £30,000 per year in regular donations by the end of 2025.
WHY £30,000 per year?
At £14,000 per year, it would take over 13 years for UBBC to buy a new boat of each class for both the Men’s and Women’s Squads. That means the newest boat in the fleet today will be over 13 years old before we can replace it!
An income of £30,000 per year would allow us to half that time, meaning we could replace boats when they are 6/7 years old, reducing the likelihood that students have to row in old and unsuitable boats, which will enable more students to participate in rowing more often, and to a higher standard.
The graphic below shows the length of time it takes to raise the funds required to purchase each class of boat. The length of the line represents the length of time it takes.
How CAN we do it?
How are we doing so far?
Last updated 18 July 2024
How can you help?
If you don’t yet donate to the Nonesuch Rowing Foundation, please consider beginning a regular donation of £10 per month or more. Donations by UK taxpayers are eligible for Gift Aid and tax relief. Follow this link to find out more.
If you already donate with a monthly subscription, visit this link to update to update your regular donation to an increased value: